About Us

I’m a Marine Mom – and I’ve been a mom to fur babies all my life!

I remember we always had at least 2 dogs with us. And when we participated in rescue, foster, and volunteer programs – there could be as many as 8 additional puppies I’m caring for or fostering.

I started Hot2Trot Pups because I’ve seen the difference a mobile gym can make in a family’s life. The family was mine.

When our female Black Lab, Midnight, was about 5 years old, we adopted a female Boxer foster pup. We named her Donnie Lee.

Our girls got along well and played together harmoniously for the first few years. But when Donnie Lee hit the terrible two’s (teen years for dogs), she decided to flex her Alpha persona. Donnie Lee turned on Midnight. She attacked Midnight daily – the fighting was ugly!

Have you ever felt helpless – watching your canine kids hurt themselves or each other? Have you wondered if you’d have to give your fur baby away? 

We spent thousands of dollars on dog behaviorists and other attempted solutions – before hearing about the mobile dog gym. Thankfully, after a couple of months of running side-by-side, looking at each other, their sisterly affection was restored.
So, you see – I was once You! 

Your specific details may be different, but your desire to improve the quality of life for your dog(s) is the same. 

Once I learned we weren’t the only family needing to help our girls RUN through aggression, anxiety, or boredom in the Mobile Gym, I knew I couldn’t sit quietly and do nothing.

Dogs don’t need a time-out, they Need a Fun Run!

Let’s let our pups Live their Best Life!